A Guide to Proofreading Printed Labels

A Guide to Proofreading Labels

Your Worst Nightmare

Imagine after all the time spent painstakingly designing labels, and choosing the colours, fonts and graphics that they finally arrive in the post - with a mistake! This could be perceived as your worst nightmare, so, what can be done to help avoid this happening?

In reality, at inkREADible, this rarely does happen, as we insist that labels must be checked and checked again as many times as possible, before going to print. The rule of thumb is that you simply cannot check too many times! Also having time on your side is a great advantage as mistakes can easily happen when you are rushing to meet deadlines.

Proofreading is a Crucial Step

Proofreading labels is a crucial step in the label printing process, to ensure accuracy and prevent errors that could have significant consequences. Here are some of our tips for proofing labels and avoiding the most common mistakes.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes

Consistency in Information

Ensure consistency in information such as product names, measurements, and contact details throughout the label. A label that doesn’t include consistent information can result in a loss of consumer confidence and purchasers will simply move onto the next product on the shelf.

Grammar and Spelling

Check for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Pay attention to commonly misspelt words and homophones (those words that sound the same but are spelt differently for example their, there, and they’re.)

Label Font and Formatting

Verify that the font type and size are consistent across the label. Ensure proper formatting, including bold, italics, and underlining. Be sure everything is aligned and legible. A neat and tidy label is clear and easy to read which is immensely helpful in winning customers.

Customer Reading Label


Pay close attention to punctuation marks, especially commas, full stops, and apostrophes. Incorrect punctuation can even change the meaning of a sentence, besides looking sloppy. Words like your and you’re or its and it’s, are some of the most common grammatical mistakes.

Numeric Accuracy

Double-check the accuracy of all numerical information, including quantities, prices, and measurements. Make sure decimal points are in the correct place.

Legal Requirements

Ensure that all allergy information requirements are met, and the information is clear and easy to find. Familiarise yourself with local and international regulations regarding labelling for your specific industry. Compliance with legal requirements can vary within different industries and different countries.

Graphic Elements on Labels

Confirm that all graphics, images, and symbols are correct and properly placed. Take care to check that barcodes or QR codes scan accurately before going to print.


If your label includes multiple languages, ensure that translations are accurate and culturally appropriate. Work with professional native speaker translators if needed, as Google Translate and AI translators can be limited when it comes to the way people actually speak and understand one another.

Review Label Content

Thoroughly review all text on the label for accuracy, spacing and layout. This includes product descriptions, usage instructions, and any additional information provided.

Proofread in Multiple Rounds

Conduct multiple rounds of proofreading and involve different team members in each round. Fresh eyes are more likely to catch errors that may have been overlooked in earlier reviews.

How can I implement a system for proofreading labels?

Common types of mistakes in labels can include typos, missing information, inaccurate measurements, outdated information, and non-compliance with regulations. To avoid these mistakes, it's important to establish a systematic proofreading process and allocate enough time for a comprehensive review. Additionally, involving multiple team members can provide diverse perspectives and increase the likelihood of catching errors before the labels are finalised and printed.

Download our 30 steps to proofreading labels

To guide you further we have collated a table to help provide a system for proofreading. This is by no means a full and foolproof system for every label, so please add or amend it to suit your needs.