The Best Sustainable Festive Stickers

The Best Sustainable Christmas Stickers


Pump Street Christmas Labels


Stickers over labels

Have you thought about using less material and utilising a smaller sticker for your products? Reducing the amount of label material not only lowers business costs, but also your carbon footprint. A smaller label or sticker can still be equally impactful whilst being kinder to the environment. Perhaps consider using a sticker to replace wrapping altogether.

What are the biodegradable and compostable sticker materials available?

We offer a variety of materials but among the most interesting and most popular are Bagasse and Natureflex. Both materials are 100% natural and actually quite different from each other.


Bagasse has a satisfying eco story attached to it as it is made from the waste fibres of sugar cane left over from sugar production. Despite being a waste product, it makes a surprisingly good quality and strong biodegradable sticker.


Natureflex is available in either white or clear, for a super contemporary look and feel, compostable sticker. Having been developed from cellulose in Japanese science labs, it produces stunning results for eco stickers.

Christmas stickers for every budget

inkREADible Labels offer Christmas stickers to suit every budget and printing process including embossed and hot foiling. As specialists in our field, we can advise you on the most appropriate material for your particular use and the more economical or environmentally friendly options available.


High quality label printing

If your business includes gifts for Christmas and are interested in labels and stickers which are fully festive but less about excess, then talk to us about biodegradable and compostable labels.

Merry Eco Christmas one and all from the team at!